
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - August 2014

(By: Muhammad Zafar Iqbal, Islamabad)

Men should make their wives adopt the routine of being in a state of ablution all the time and prepare the breakfast, lunch and dinner with ablution done before as well. When the ablution is broken, you should make Ablution again immediately. There is no difficulty in women doing ablution at homes..

Today all families face financial difficulties, are a victim of poverty, indigence doesn’t go away, the income isn’t sufficient enough, there’s always tension in the house, and the needs of all the members of the house are not fulfilled. Every next day people commit suicide succumbing to the pressure of poverty and destitution so much so that poor people are even ready to sell their own children. Such people should not commit suicide nor sell their children away, but only to resort to Allah Kareem and follow the sayings of our Beloved Prophet S.A.W. But we have turned our back towards both Allah and His Prophet because of which every family face financial crisis today. To free yourself from these problems, a few much-experienced tips are as follows:

Men should make their wives adopt the routine of being in a state of ablution all the time and prepare the breakfast, lunch and dinner with ablution done before as well. When the ablution is broken, you should make Ablution again immediately. There is no difficulty in women doing ablution at homes, when they will be in a state of ablution their hearts will automatically be inclined towards prayer and In shaa Allah they will be punctual about Salaat and Saum (fasts). Men should be in state of ablution in the same way.

Women usually throw away the leftover bread from previous night in the morning. Don’t do this. Instead, crumble the bread into smaller pieces, put them in a small utensil and put that utensil on the roof somewhere so that birds can eat that leftover bread during the day.

Women should also bound their men so that nothing enters the house which is from an illegal source e.g. money from bribery, money that is brought after snatching someone’s right or by dishonesty etc. Only the money earned by rightful means from their respective occupation should be brought home.

Make Salaam a habit in the house. Salaam should be exchanged amongst everyone in the house after waking up in the morning. Whenever a member enters the house, he/she should say Assalam o Alaikum out loud whether someone is home or not. We are usually shy of saying Salaam to the members of the house, this habit should be corrected. One should adopt a very simple lifestyle, and turn away from all sorts of display and showing off. Simplicity in eating habits, simplicity in clothing. A lot of expenditure is done on eating which results in poverty and the entry of illnesses in the house. Every illness of the body begins from the stomach, and the stomach gets upset when it is filled with different food types in excess. Believe me! You will not find that pleasure of living a simple life anywhere else! Simplicity gives peace to the heart, conscience and the soul. The heart becomes fond of worship of Allah. Illnesses do not come near you. The most important reason behind financial crisis and poverty is the same fact that we have abandoned simplicity.

You should only spend as much as you earn, do not overspend. Avoid lending money from someone, because lending money makes you helpless and naked in front of that person. Save yourself from getting denuded in front of people like this.

After waking up early in the morning and offering prayers, there should be recitation of the Holy Quran however much you can do easily. This brings blessings in the house. Daily one Tasbeeh each of Astaghfaar, Durood Shareef and Third Kalima should be recited in the morning and evening. May Allah give us the willpower to put all this into action. Ameen!

­Body parts shine like the shining Moon of 14th!

After ablution, Duas of Wudhu/ablution and the second Kalima (Kalima Shahaadat) should be recited while pointing the index finger towards the sky, then recite Ayatul Kursi once. When recited after ablution and after every Farz Namaz, the only thing between someone who recites this and Jannah is death. Also recite Surah Qadr once only. On the Day of Judgement, wherever the water of ablution has touched you, that body part will shine with the brightness of the moon of the 14th! (M.M, Bhakkar)

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